Praying the Medicine Wheel

I am in Sedona working the Medicine Wheel.  I seek the support and guidance of Spirit as we co-create the upcoming year, the 64th act in the play that is my life.  As I step onto the stage the scenery has changed and a new cast of characters wait in the wings.

I speak now to my Soul and to the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe of which I am a part.

“I am ever grateful for the boundless gifts of my life which continue to amaze and delight me.

I seek your continued support as I step into this new stage of my life.

I recognize the origins and patterns of my limiting beliefs and now release my fear of lack and recognize abundance and success that exceeds my ability to imagine.

I dedicate myself to a life of service.  I willingly share the abundance I realize and use my gifts and talents to assist and facilitate the growth and expansion of myself and others.

Thank you, Sweet Soul, for your infinite patience, love and guidance.

And so it is.



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